February 9, 2025
73 Famous People on Their Favorite Perfume 2025

“I’ve worn Britney Spears’s Fantasy since I was a teenager. It was gonna take a lot to lure me out of that Britney trance. Then, actually, a Brazilian fan bought this for me on tour. I was looking through my fan gifts and was like: quite fancy. Sprayed it on. And it was like — you know those Lynx Africa adverts where everyone falls at their feet? I put it on, and all of a sudden I was walking down the corridor, and everyone was like, ‘What is that smell?’ That was years ago, and it became my scent, to the point where people would be like, ‘Oh, that’s Jade smell.’ You can get the teeny-tiny perfume bottles that you can put in your little makeup bag, or you can get the normal bottle. And obviously, it looks really lovely — it’s giving a cool rich auntie. ” — December 2024

Josh Hart
“I don’t want to smell whatever I bumped into that day. So I have a lot of cologne. This one I probably use the most. They’re all unisex, but the red bottle is the more masculine one. I’ll change the fragrance up, depending on what the event is, but on a daily basis, this is the one I use. It’s more refreshing. But this one I like just because it’s a little bit more herbal, like a daily citrusy smell.” October 2024

Jessel Taank
“This isn’t the most popular fragrance. It’s one of those ‘If you know, you know’ type of things. It’s a very specific scent that feels unisex. I don’t like wearing fragrances that are too sweet or feminine. This is perfect. It’s a little bit earthier, almost masculine. I’m wearing it right now.” — January 2024

Anthony Anderson
“I stumbled across it more than ten years ago, and I loved the story because Baccarat Crystal wanted a scent for its crystal. There was only one chain brand where you could buy it at the time — I think it was Neiman Marcus. I found it, and every time I wore it, people were like, ‘Yo, what is that?’ Before the whole 540 craze. I think I was a pioneer that way. And then it caught on, and more people started wearing it. Now everybody has it, and I think it’s dope. I don’t feel special anymore because it used to be Anthony’s scent. Now it’s like, ‘Ah, I know what that is.’” — November 2023

Sloane Stephens
“I love this perfume. It is definitely pricey (I keep track of every spritz), but I’ve tried all the dupes and nothing comes close to the original.” — August 2023

“This is an expensive cologne that has a smell of its own. I spray it, wipe my hands together, then wipe it on my clothes and spray it on my neck. The neck is where you do all the hugging at. Me being a people person, I’m always hugging and shaking people’s hands, and this cologne demands its attention. It’s masculine, but I can’t even put it in a category.” — August 2023

Tyla Yaweh
“My manager, Bobby, was wearing this one day and I was like, ‘Yo, what is that?’ It’s really expensive, but it’s so worth it. I’m on my second bottle now because I wear it every day. We all have a memory for scents and people remember me from this scent — like, ‘Oh yeah, Tyla, he smelled good.’ It smells exotic, like nothing I’ve ever smelled before. You only need a little bit because it’s strong and it doesn’t leave your clothes. You can probably smell me through the phone right now — it’s that strong.” — July 2020


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